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More Freedom or more control

What is authoritarian government?

Political discussions often include mentions of authoritarian or totalitarian governmental control. Authoritarian is "mostly control" whereas totalitarian is the "total control" of almost all aspects of public life and over the decisions of individuals.

See how this ideology contrasts with a more open society that allows its citizens to make their own decisions when it doesn’t involve others.

Toggle the sections below to see how this ideology contrasts with a more open society that allows its citizens to make their own decisions when it doesn’t involve others.

  • Self-serving and self-sustaining, interrupted by periodic elections by the governed.
  • Full national control of the rights of the people, economy, education, police, employment policies (e.g. minimum wage), health mandates.
  • Local and state governments should be eliminated or greatly diminished.
  • Superior to the citizenry and citizens are expected to show deference to officials.
  • Exempt from rules.
  • Uses rules, mandates, fines and prison extensively to enforce regulations.
  • Creates a complicated web of bureaucratic programs and regulations
  • Only well connected are able to use loopholes to circumvent the rules.
  • Rights of people are endowed by God and protected by the constitution and bill of rights.
  • Minimized government regulations of people and economy based on working class capitalism.
  • Government regulation of business used to thwart monopolies and abuse by major corporations.
  • Distribution of power spread between local, state and federal government with defined clarity and authority.
  • Local representation and local control.
  • Equality of government officials with citizens.
  • Regulations are minimized, easy to understand and to comply with, and less likely to be corrupted.
  • Individuals execute decisions that are best for them, their family and their community.
  • Programs for society are easy to understand and efficient.
  • Censorship and “safe spaces”; you must be “woke”.
  • Individuals need to obey authorities on what can be discussed.
  • One must be politically correct as dictated by those in control. Thought processes are shut down and zombified.
  • Individuals are only allowed to speak a programmed narrative and no outside interference with mind conditioning/brainwashing.
  • Attempts to eliminate constitutional rights by creating classifications of people or speech that they can silence.
  • Use terms like “hate speech” or “racism” to eliminate voices of those who contradict their political agenda and control.
  • Free to speak and open debate is welcome; you should be “awake”.
  • Individuals can speak the obvious, be candid and speak their mind freely. Not ill-will but what is obvious.  I’d delete this
  • Freedom exists to disagree and debate topics.  Society and well-thought-out decisions result from the healthy interaction of differing ideas and thoughts.
  • Society considers it desirable to hear others with different opinions and beliefs and people have the ability to be truthful freely.
  • No repercussions of loss of job or membership in groups when speaking truthfully or standing up for one’s beliefs.
  • Forced Beliefs/Group Think/Mind Control.
  • Constant indoctrination beginning in schools and universities.
  • Control of major news networks and social media to deliver one-sided narrative.
  • Government and media not only limit exposure to truths that contradict their narrative, but offer a constant bombardment on how one must think.
  • Individuals are prohibited from hearing open debate; rather they are prescribed a rehearsed narrative.
  • People are told how to think and followers do so in a child-like, obedient fashion.
  • Free to think for oneself.
  • Underlying the freedom of speech is “freedom of conscience”, one of the freedoms our forefathers fought for.
  • Ability exists for one to think freely without concern for retribution, shaming or worse.
  • Society values seeing and hearing both sides of a debate and then deciding for themselves what they believe is correct/right.
  • The science is settled.
  • There can be no debate.
  • Government scientists are omnipotent and all-knowing.
  • “Science” aligns with political agenda. Government scientists’ declaration on certain matters are sacrosanct and cannot be discussed or debated.
  • Dissenting opinions are censored. The dismissal of full information leads to poor public policy or implementation of political agendas in spite of common sense and real science.
  • Science is open-ended discovery.
  • Science is the discovery of the Creator’s design and much is a mystery unknown to us.
  • Society is constantly discovering new areas and observations that can contradict earlier held beliefs and theories.
  • Vigorous and open debate to discuss and try to determine the most realistic theory is encouraged.
  • Well-vetted discussions lead to better public policy decisions.
  • Remove and diminish the constitutional protections of the basic rights and freedom of people
  • The Bill of Rights protects the underclass, or working class, from the claws of tyranny and professional politicians. The Constitution interferes with authoritarians’ desire to remove all rights from individuals so that they can have total control over citizens. Therefore they’re constantly trying to find ways to amend or change the interpretation of constitutional protections.
  • Desire to have Supreme Court Justices change the meaning and application of the Constitution based on political agenda, desires and personal bias.
  • The Bill of Rights protects individuals from corrupt government.
  • People are born free with full rights granted to them by God; the ability of government to take away rights should be severely limited.
  • The Constitution protects individual rights to liberty and freedom while still allowing for laws to be enforced.
  • Judges are not to use their personal bias in interpreting constitutional law and the protections provided within it must be preserved as it was written.
  • War is waged for control and profit.
  • Control of others goes beyond this regime’s own country to extend its reach for profit and control.
  • Endless, continuous wars.
  • War is for the protection and freedom of others.
  • War is not a goal but rather an undesirable action out of necessity.
  • War should be purposeful, accomplished and ended quickly.
  • Society values freedom and willingness to sacrifice self to fight alongside others in foreign countries to maintain or redeem their freedom.
  • Globalism
  • Desire to conquer and control the world. As such they act not only as the world policeman but expect Americans to sacrifice finances and life supporting the globalist’s borders of control.
  • Expend efforts defending territories on behalf of other countries that do not finance their own defense or put forth and risk the lives of their own citizens.
  • America first
  • America’s foreign policy puts U.S. security, sovereignty, liberty and vital interests above the interests of any other nation.
  • The government should assist and support our allies but expect them to equally finance and put forth their own soldiers in their defense.
  • Do not help those who won’t help themselves.
  • Federalized police force
  • A cohesive and centrally controlled security force will ensure national authority over individuals enforcing ever greater new regulations and mandates while implementing the removal of first and second amendment rights from citizens.
  • The strategy is to defund and demoralize the local police and sheriffs to eliminate them, and then fund an alternative national federal security force equivalent in size to the military.
  • State and local police forces
  • Flattening the power curve is important.
  • Law enforcement members should be from the community, and care about the community. Duty and loyalty is to the local citizens and to protect the people from outside elements including dictatorial power grabs.
  • Local police and sheriffs maintain and protect citizens constitutional gun rights as self-protection from an authoritarian state.
  • Federal law enforcement is limited to only those areas that require national protection.
  • Deny citizens the ownership of guns
  • Politicians use persuasion and manipulation to pressure ever greater control over gun ownership with the ultimate goal of denial of rights and confiscation of guns from ordinary people.
  • Leaders only want their nationalized police troops and government employees to be armed and unchallenged by the electorate.
  • Gun rights for citizens
  • Gun rights are preserved in the Constitution as a protection of the ordinary working class against tyranny and control by totalitarians and dictators.
  • Gun rights must exist in order for freedom to exist.
  • Privileged Class. Cronyism with Big Business/Big Wealth and Big Government in partnership together
  • Creates regulations and tax changes that benefit the ultra wealthy and mega corporations while punishing small business and individuals of the working class.
  • Creates unfair playing field that eliminates competition.
  • Ensures steady kickback-like arrangements of donations to campaign funds and generous contracts and payouts to the families of politicians. Elected politicians become extremely wealthy by serving in office.
  • Welfare class is paid to be dependent on government and their only responsibility is to elect the Cronyistic politicians that provide them with their benefit checks. Includes those who work for or depend on the government but have meaningless jobs and contracts that provide no value. A overhead burden to society that provides no benefit to society.
  • Working Class, Small Business Owners and Self-Employed
  • “Working-Class Capitalism” where how well one succeeds should not be based on “who you know” but rather on “what you do”.
  • Farmers, Contractors and Small business owners that work hard should not have to navigate unfair restrictions, regulations and confiscatory taxation that robs them of working capital.
  • Individuals and employees perform real jobs that contribute and matter to society.
  • Employees are rewarded financially for their contributions to the economy.
  • Tax laws are complex, regressive and unequitable.
  • Demand an ever growing share of taxation from citizens to fund an ever growing government.
  • The combination of taxes, licenses, and fees can disproportionately lower income for earners, while wealthy taxpayers who make passive unearned income are taxed at a lower rate.
  • Creates a labyrinth of rules and exceptions that make it easy to hide tax breaks given to the privileged class while pretending to raise taxes on wealthy.
  • Elected officials never reduce budgets or take advantage of technology to improve government efficiencies but rather are unaccountable for their spending and always demand ever greater taxation from the public.
  • Minimized and equitable tax laws.
  • Equitable taxation without special carve-outs that favor the wealthy.
  • Taxation should only be the minimum necessary to fund the basic operations needed by the government, thereby allowing citizens to retain more of their own money to save and build their own dreams.
  • Elected officials should be held accountable and run on a platform of how efficiently and effectively they spend revenue to accomplish government needs.
  • National control of retirees.
  • Maintains central control over retirement and thereby the retirees themselves who are dependent on the retirement program.
  • Extract a heavy 15% toll of wages on all working class to fund a Ponzi-like scheme where the funds are misappropriated to the government’s other plans while making promises to pay to the working class. This 15% toll in addition to all other taxes, makes it difficult for the working class to save independently for their own retirement needs, including housing and quality of life.
  • Provide exception for the privileged class that is given alternative rich retirement plans funded by the working class.
  • Individual control over retirement
  • Hidden and regressive taxation of social security and other abusive employment taxes should be eliminated thereby allowing individuals more free income to fund their own retirement plans.
  • Regressive and limited education; only public schools are funded with taxpayer dollars.
  • The government protects a class of teachers through unions, which limits the quality of public education. Like forced servitude, they deny the children of the working class the ability to obtain a worthy education, keeping them from financial independence.
  • Restricted educational choice impacts the poor and minority members of society the most. As such, teacher’s unions are one of the factors keeping the poor in poverty.
  • The privileged class of wealth can choose and pay for better private schools for their children.  The working class has little choice.
  • Pushes curriculum based on political agenda
  • Prohibited from hearing open debate and creates “safe spaces” free from dissent.
  • Freedom of education / parental school choice
  • School choice ensures that each student can find a learning environment that allows them to be inspired, successful, and happy.
  • All taxation raised for education of children within the state, should be allocated equitably and parents should be able to choose what school would best serve their children’s needs.
  • Funding for traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling allows equal access to working class and poor students.
  • Supports free-thinking education
  • Competition between schools would mean better schools for all.
  • Federalized healthcare with central control.
  • The government maintains  control over healthcare and citizens become dependent on the program.
  • Claims that healthcare is a right and should be “free”.
  • “Free healthcare” eliminates choice, competition and quality.
  • Allows for rationing or even denial of healthcare to political enemies or groups out of favor. A form of social credit control.
  • Creates web of bureaucratic regulations, rules and programs with exceptions for the well-connected.
  • Independent family-based health care with state control of necessary regulations.
  • Individuals have freedom of choice in what’s best for their families.
  • Minimized government intrusion into and over their lives.
  • Safety net of government (taxpayer) paid healthcare provided for those who are uninsured.
  • Health insurance providers should always be regulated by each state under the 10th Amendment.
  • There should be no national control or interference in plans provided.
  • Government becomes your family.
  • Counselors, leaders and officials become more important than your parents.
  • Constant propaganda by schools can turn children away from parents and into useful minions by ruling oligarchs.
  • The government overrules parents and mandates allowing minors to make major decisions (i.e. vaccines, abortions, name changes, sex changes, etc.).
  • Actively supports the dismantling of family structure and stability.
  • Real family and parents.
  • An intact loving family with two parents is best for the growth of children, emotionally, socially, educationally and physically.
  • Primary responsibility for advice, values and instruction in life should be from a child’s parents.
  • Government is the “higher power”.
  • Discounts religion and interferes with freedom of religion.
  • Removes all references to God from governmental documents and buildings.
  • Desires worship-like belief by people in the wisdom of the government and of high ranking officials. As such, government becomes a religion to its followers.
  • Freedom to worship God as the ultimate Creator
  • Protects freedom of religion granted to people by the Constitution that allows them to worship as they choose.
  • God and government should co-exist;  man-made laws should not interfere or violate rights granted by God.
  • Ancestral racial identity is prioritized.
  • Absolute racial identity must be maintained. Place citizens into categories to create racial tension and use that to divide citizens against each other.
  • Constant media, education and government focus is on what divides us rather than what unites us as one people of one country.  Loyalty to the ruling class must remain.
  • Use affirmative action and racial preferences to edge on the racial tension and unfairness.
  • Believe we must never be the same.
  • Post-racial American identity
  • Celebrates the concept of America being a melting pot with our children representing the nationalities and identities of the entire world within in our one county.
  • Racial diversity is a point of pride; the majority of young Americans are now multi-racial.
  • Free to identify as being simply “American” rather than to have to choose the ancestral lineage of one parent or grandparents while ignoring the others.
  • The greatest racism of all is forcing a child to have to pick from one of their ancestors race so that they can racially identify and be placed into a classification by the government.
  • Freedomists believe we are the same. We are all Americans.
  • Uncontrolled and lax requirements.
  • Illegal immigrants are easily manipulated and can be used by leaders to control elections.
  • Provides cheap labor for the privileged class and the wealthy (in the construction, landscaping and service industry).
  • Limit immigration to the country’s defined needs
  • Limit immigration to keep wages higher for working class while keeping costs such as housing lower, which provides a higher standard of living.
  • Qualifying immigrants are those who share American values of freedom.
  • A controlled border is more humane as it diminishes human trafficking.
  • A dynamic guest worker program that can readily adapt to labor needs is more flexible and responsive than uncontrolled immigration.
  • Disrespect and Public Condescension
  • Tends to discount or ignore country first and prefer attention be made to their leadership.
  • Will ignore or even encourage extremists who defile, insult and hate their country and destroy symbols such as flags and monuments.
  • Politicians expect the people to serve them.
  • Respect, Pride and Admiration for Country
  • Show great respect for the country that provides them with rights, liberties and protections from the ruling class.
  • Respect leaders but don’t expect that they have to worship them.
  • Elected leaders to be confident but show humility.
  • Expect leaders to serve their country and not the other way around.
  • Hate, division and violence
  • Government leaders ensure loyalty by creating division and hate within society.
  • Governmental intrusion into private lives; propaganda forces uniform  opinions and how people must think.
  • Uses destruction, violence and cancel culture to harass and force people to consent to their decrees.
  • Unity, caring, love and respect for others
  • Loyalty is to fellow Americans who serve and protect our country; appreciation exists for the liberties it provides to all of us.
  • Peaceful protests are used for the construction and development of our way of life and for the betterment of all.
  • Individuals stand together to make a community and a country of which we can all be proud.
  • Self-serving and self-sustaining, interrupted by periodic elections by the governed.
  • Full national control of the rights of the people, economy, education, police, employment policies (e.g. minimum wage), health mandates.
  • Local and state governments should be eliminated or greatly diminished.
  • Superior to the citizenry and citizens are expected to show deference to officials.
  • Exempt from rules.
  • Uses rules, mandates, fines and prison extensively to enforce regulations.
  • Creates a complicated web of bureaucratic programs and regulations
  • Only well connected are able to use loopholes to circumvent the rules.
  • Rights of people are endowed by God and protected by the constitution and bill of rights.
  • Minimized government regulations of people and economy based on working class capitalism.
  • Government regulation of business used to thwart monopolies and abuse by major corporations.
  • Distribution of power spread between local, state and federal government with defined clarity and authority.
  • Local representation and local control.
  • Equality of government officials with citizens.
  • Regulations are minimized, easy to understand and to comply with, and less likely to be corrupted.
  • Individuals execute decisions that are best for them, their family and their community.
  • Programs for society are easy to understand and efficient.
  • Censorship and “safe spaces”; you must be “woke”.
  • Individuals need to obey authorities on what can be discussed.
  • One must be politically correct as dictated by those in control. Thought processes are shut down and zombified.
  • Individuals are only allowed to speak a programmed narrative and no outside interference with mind conditioning/brainwashing.
  • Attempts to eliminate constitutional rights by creating classifications of people or speech that they can silence.
  • Use terms like “hate speech” or “racism” to eliminate voices of those who contradict their political agenda and control.
  • Free to speak and open debate is welcome; you should be “awake”.
  • Individuals can speak the obvious, be candid and speak their mind freely. Not ill-will but what is obvious.  I’d delete this
  • Freedom exists to disagree and debate topics.  Society and well-thought-out decisions result from the healthy interaction of differing ideas and thoughts.
  • Society considers it desirable to hear others with different opinions and beliefs and people have the ability to be truthful freely.
  • No repercussions of loss of job or membership in groups when speaking truthfully or standing up for one’s beliefs. 
  • Forced Beliefs/Group Think/Mind Control.
  • Constant indoctrination beginning in schools and universities.
  • Control of major news networks and social media to deliver one-sided narrative.
  • Government and media not only limit exposure to truths that contradict their narrative, but offer a constant bombardment on how one must think.
  • Individuals are prohibited from hearing open debate; rather they are prescribed a rehearsed narrative.
  • People are told how to think and followers do so in a child-like, obedient fashion.
  • Free to think for oneself.
  • Underlying the freedom of speech is “freedom of conscience”, one of the freedoms our forefathers fought for. 
  • Ability exists for one to think freely without concern for retribution, shaming or worse.
  • Society values seeing and hearing both sides of a debate and then deciding for themselves what they believe is correct/right.

  • The science is settled.
  • There can be no debate.
  • Government scientists are omnipotent and all-knowing.
  • “Science” aligns with political agenda. Government scientists’ declaration on certain matters are sacrosanct and cannot be discussed or debated.
  • Dissenting opinions are censored. The dismissal of full information leads to poor public policy or implementation of political agendas in spite of common sense and real science.
  • Science is open-ended discovery.
  • Science is the discovery of the Creator’s design and much is a mystery unknown to us.
  • Society is constantly discovering new areas and observations that can contradict earlier held beliefs and theories.
  • Vigorous and open debate to discuss and try to determine the most realistic theory is encouraged. 
  • Well-vetted discussions lead to better public policy decisions.
  • Remove and diminish the constitutional protections of the basic rights and freedom of people
  • The Bill of Rights protects the underclass, or working class, from the claws of tyranny and professional politicians. The Constitution interferes with authoritarians’ desire to remove all rights from individuals so that they can have total control over citizens. Therefore they’re constantly trying to find ways to amend or change the interpretation of constitutional protections.
  • Desire to have Supreme Court Justices change the meaning and application of the Constitution based on political agenda, desires and personal bias.
  • The Bill of Rights protects individuals from corrupt government. 
  • People are born free with full rights granted to them by God; the ability of government to take away rights should be severely limited.
  • The Constitution protects individual rights to liberty and freedom while still allowing for laws to be enforced. 
  • Judges are not to use their personal bias in interpreting constitutional law and the protections provided within it must be preserved as it was written.
  • War is waged for control and profit.
  • Control of others goes beyond this regime’s own country to extend its reach for profit and control. 
  • Endless, continuous wars.
  • War is for the protection and freedom of others.
  • War is not a goal but rather an undesirable action out of necessity.
  • War should be purposeful, accomplished and ended quickly.
  • Society values freedom and willingness to sacrifice self to fight alongside others in foreign countries to maintain or redeem their freedom.
  • Globalism
  • Desire to conquer and control the world. As such they act not only as the world policeman but expect Americans to sacrifice finances and life supporting the globalist’s borders of control.
  • Expend efforts defending territories on behalf of other countries that do not finance their own defense or put forth and risk the lives of their own citizens.
  • America first
  • America’s foreign policy puts U.S. security, sovereignty, liberty and vital interests above the interests of any other nation.
  • The government should assist and support our allies but expect them to equally finance and put forth their own soldiers in their defense.
  • Do not help those who won’t help themselves.
  • Federalized police force
  • A cohesive and centrally controlled security force will ensure national authority over individuals enforcing ever greater new regulations and mandates while implementing the removal of first and second amendment rights from citizens.
  • The strategy is to defund and demoralize the local police and sheriffs to eliminate them, and then fund an alternative national federal security force equivalent in size to the military.
  • State and local police forces
  • Flattening the power curve is important. 
  • Law enforcement members should be from the community, and care about the community. Duty and loyalty is to the local citizens and to protect the people from outside elements including dictatorial power grabs.
  • Local police and sheriffs maintain and protect citizens constitutional gun rights as self-protection from an authoritarian state.
  • Federal law enforcement is limited to only those areas that require national protection.

  • Deny citizens the ownership of guns
  • Politicians use persuasion and manipulation to pressure ever greater control over gun ownership with the ultimate goal of denial of rights and confiscation of guns from ordinary people.
  • Leaders only want their nationalized police troops and government employees to be armed and unchallenged by the electorate.
  • Gun rights for citizens
  • Gun rights are preserved in the Constitution as a protection of the ordinary working class against tyranny and control by totalitarians and dictators.
  • Gun rights must exist in order for freedom to exist.
  • Privileged Class. Cronyism with Big Business/Big Wealth and Big Government in partnership together
  • Creates regulations and tax changes that benefit the ultra wealthy and mega corporations while punishing small business and individuals of the working class.
  • Creates unfair playing field that eliminates competition.
  • Ensures steady kickback-like arrangements of donations to campaign funds and generous contracts and payouts to the families of politicians. Elected politicians become extremely wealthy by serving in office.
  • Welfare class is paid to be dependent on government and their only responsibility is to elect the Cronyistic politicians that provide them with their benefit checks. Includes those who work for or depend on the government but have meaningless jobs and contracts that provide no value. A overhead burden to society that provides no benefit to society.
  • Working Class, Small Business Owners and Self-Employed
  • “Working-Class Capitalism” where how well one succeeds should not be based on “who you know” but rather on “what you do”.
  • Farmers, Contractors and Small business owners that work hard should not have to navigate unfair restrictions, regulations and confiscatory taxation that robs them of working capital.
  • Individuals and employees perform real jobs that contribute and matter to society.
  • Employees are rewarded financially for their contributions to the economy.
  • Tax laws are complex, regressive and unequitable.
  • Demand an ever growing share of taxation from citizens to fund an ever growing government.
  • The combination of taxes, licenses, and fees can disproportionately lower income for earners, while wealthy taxpayers who make passive unearned income are taxed at a lower rate.
  • Creates a labyrinth of rules and exceptions that make it easy to hide tax breaks given to the privileged class while pretending to raise taxes on wealthy.
  • Elected officials never reduce budgets or take advantage of technology to improve government efficiencies but rather are unaccountable for their spending and always demand ever greater taxation from the public.
  • Minimized and equitable tax laws.
  • Equitable taxation without special carve-outs that favor the wealthy.
  • Taxation should only be the minimum necessary to fund the basic operations needed by the government, thereby allowing citizens to retain more of their own money to save and build their own dreams.
  • Elected officials should be held accountable and run on a platform of how efficiently and effectively they spend revenue to accomplish government needs.
  • National control of retirees.
  • Maintains central control over retirement and thereby the retirees themselves who are dependent on the retirement program.
  • Extract a heavy 15% toll of wages on all working class to fund a Ponzi-like scheme where the funds are misappropriated to the government’s other plans while making promises to pay to the working class. This 15% toll in addition to all other taxes, makes it difficult for the working class to save independently for their own retirement needs, including housing and quality of life.
  • Provide exception for the privileged class that is given alternative rich retirement plans funded by the working class.
  • Individual control over retirement
  • Hidden and regressive taxation of social security and other abusive employment taxes should be eliminated thereby allowing individuals more free income to fund their own retirement plans.
  • Regressive and limited education; only public schools are funded with taxpayer dollars.
  • The government protects a class of teachers through unions, which limits the quality of public education. Like forced servitude, they deny the children of the working class the ability to obtain a worthy education, keeping them from financial independence.
  • Restricted educational choice impacts the poor and minority members of society the most. As such, teacher’s unions are one of the factors keeping the poor in poverty. 
  • The privileged class of wealth can choose and pay for better private schools for their children.  The working class has little choice.
  • Pushes curriculum based on political agenda
  • Prohibited from hearing open debate and creates “safe spaces” free from dissent.
  • Freedom of education / parental school choice
  • School choice ensures that each student can find a learning environment that allows them to be inspired, successful, and happy.
  • All taxation raised for education of children within the state, should be allocated equitably and parents should be able to choose what school would best serve their children’s needs.
  • Funding for traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling allows equal access to working class and poor students.
  • Supports free-thinking education
  • Competition between schools would mean better schools for all.
  • Federalized healthcare with central control.
  • The government maintains  control over healthcare and citizens become dependent on the program.
  • Claims that healthcare is a right and should be “free”.
  • “Free healthcare” eliminates choice, competition and quality.
  • Allows for rationing or even denial of healthcare to political enemies or groups out of favor. A form of social credit control.
  • Creates web of bureaucratic regulations, rules and programs with exceptions for the well-connected.
  • Independent family-based health care with state control of necessary regulations.
  • Individuals have freedom of choice in what’s best for their families.
  • Minimized government intrusion into and over their lives.
  • Safety net of government (taxpayer) paid healthcare provided for those who are uninsured.
  • Health insurance providers should always be regulated by each state under the 10th Amendment.
  • There should be no national control or interference in plans provided.
  • Government becomes your family.
  • Counselors, leaders and officials become more important than your parents.
  • Constant propaganda by schools can turn children away from parents and into useful minions by ruling oligarchs.
  • The government overrules parents and mandates allowing minors to make major decisions (i.e. vaccines, abortions, name changes, sex changes, etc.).
  • Actively supports the dismantling of family structure and stability.
  • Real family and parents.
  • An intact loving family with two parents is best for the growth of children, emotionally, socially, educationally and physically.
  • Primary responsibility for advice, values and instruction in life should be from a child’s parents.
  • Government is the “higher power”.
  • Discounts religion and interferes with freedom of religion.
  • Removes all references to God from governmental documents and buildings.
  • Desires worship-like belief by people in the wisdom of the government and of high ranking officials. As such, government becomes a religion to its followers.
  • Freedom to worship God as the ultimate Creator
  • Protects freedom of religion granted to people by the Constitution that allows them to worship as they choose.
  • God and government should co-exist;  man-made laws should not interfere or violate rights granted by God.
  • Ancestral racial identity is prioritized.
  • Absolute racial identity must be maintained. Place citizens into categories to create racial tension and use that to divide citizens against each other.
  • Constant media, education and government focus is on what divides us rather than what unites us as one people of one country.  Loyalty to the ruling class must remain. 
  • Use affirmative action and racial preferences to edge on the racial tension and unfairness.
  • Believe we must never be the same.
  • Post-racial American identity
  • Celebrates the concept of America being a melting pot with our children representing the nationalities and identities of the entire world within in our one county.
  • Racial diversity is a point of pride; the majority of young Americans are now multi-racial.
  • Free to identify as being simply “American” rather than to have to choose the ancestral lineage of one parent or grandparents while ignoring the others.
  • The greatest racism of all is forcing a child to have to pick from one of their ancestors race so that they can racially identify and be placed into a classification by the government.
  • Freedomists believe we are the same. We are all Americans.
  • Uncontrolled and lax requirements.
  • Illegal immigrants are easily manipulated and can be used by leaders to control elections.
  • Provides cheap labor for the privileged class and the wealthy (in the construction, landscaping and service industry).
  • Limit immigration to the country’s defined needs
  • Limit immigration to keep wages higher for working class while keeping costs such as housing lower, which provides a higher standard of living.
  • Qualifying immigrants are those who share American values of freedom.
  • A controlled border is more humane as it diminishes human trafficking.
  • A dynamic guest worker program that can readily adapt to labor needs is more flexible and responsive than uncontrolled immigration.
  • Disrespect and Public Condescension
  • Tends to discount or ignore country first and prefer attention be made to their leadership.
  • Will ignore or even encourage extremists who defile, insult and hate their country and destroy symbols such as flags and monuments.
  • Politicians expect the people to serve them.
  • Respect, Pride and Admiration for Country
  • Show great respect for the country that provides them with rights, liberties and protections from the ruling class.
  • Respect leaders but don’t expect that they have to worship them.
  • Elected leaders to be confident but show humility.
  • Expect leaders to serve their country and not the other way around.
  • Hate, division and violence
  • Government leaders ensure loyalty by creating division and hate within society.
  • Governmental intrusion into private lives; propaganda forces uniform  opinions and how people must think.
  • Uses destruction, violence and cancel culture to harass and force people to consent to their decrees.
  • Unity, caring, love and respect for others
  • Loyalty is to fellow Americans who serve and protect our country; appreciation exists for the liberties it provides to all of us.
  • Peaceful protests are used for the construction and development of our way of life and for the betterment of all.
  • Individuals stand together to make a community and a country of which we can all be proud.

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