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There are numerous groups and organizations that are working to create positive change. Please consider joining or aligning with existing groups to help focus your time, efforts and financial contributions and to have the most impact.

Christian Legal Society Christian Legal Society (CLS) is a fellowship of Christians dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through the practice and study of law, the defense of religious freedom and life, and the provision of legal aid to the needy.

Criminal Justice Legal Foundation The Criminal Justice Legal Foundation was established in 1982 as a nonprofit, public interest law organization dedicated to restoring a balance between the rights of crime victims and the criminally accused. Its purpose is to assure that people guilty of committing crimes receive swift and certain punishment in an orderly and constitutional manner.

Human Progress Policies and institutions compatible with freedom and openness are important factors in promoting human well-being, and we let the evidence speak for itself. We hope that this website, with gathered empirical data from reliable sources showing worldwide long-term trends, leads to a greater appreciation of the improving state of the world and stimulates an intelligent debate on the drivers of human progress.  Our goal is to provide a useful resource for students, scholars, journalists, policymakers, and the general public.

Alliance Defending Freedom
Alliance Defending Freedom exists to keep the doors open for the Gospel by advocating for religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, freedom of speech, and marriage and family. By funding cases, training attorneys, and successfully advocating for freedom in court, Alliance Defending Freedom is changing a legal system which has been steadily moving against religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, freedom of speech, and marriage and family.

Becket is a non-profit, public interest legal and educational institution. We are the leaders in the fight for religious liberty and the only law firm that defends all religious beliefs. Our mission is to protect the expression of all faiths, from A to Z—Anglican to Zoroastrian. Becket was founded on a simple principle: that because the religious impulse is natural to human beings, religious expression is natural to human culture. We advance this principle in three arenas—the court of law, the court of public opinion, and the academy—both at home and abroad.

Eagle Forum
You can “fly with the Eagles” by joining the most effective national organization of 80,000 men and women who share conservative and pro-family values. We have faith in God and in America, and hope in the future, based on freedom and opportunity for all.

First Liberty Institute
“First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty for all Americans. We believe that every American of any faith—or no faith at all—has a fundamental right to follow their conscience and live according to their beliefs.

Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund
The Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund is a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to vindicating the constitutional rights of all Americans. Through impact litigation, educational programs and policy advocacy, the Defense Fund spearheads initiatives on issues related to religious freedom, bioethics, and American values.

Freedom Works
“With its motto ‘Government fails, freedom works,’ this advocacy group has been fighting for individual liberty, free markets, and a Constitution-based limited government since 1984. It operates as both a think tank that publishes papers and reports as well as a grassroots organization that puts ordinary concerned citizens in touch with beltway insiders.

Heritage Foundation
Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation touts itself as the country’s ‘largest, most broadly supported’ conservative think tank with more than a half-million dues-paying members. Its mission, according to its website, is to promote ‘Free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

Life Legal Defense Foundation Life
Legal Defense is a non-profit pro-life law firm. We handle a diverse array of cases, including defense of pro-life speech, protection of the unborn, and denial of life-sustaining medical care.

National Rifle Association
While widely recognized today as a major political force and as America’s foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the NRA has, since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world.

The American Conservative Union
It is our belief that the Constitution is designed to guarantee the free exercise of the inherent rights of the individual through strictly limiting the power of government. The American Conservative Union is created to realize these ends through the cooperation, in responsible political action, of all Americans who cherish the principles upon which the Republic was founded.

The Federalist Society
The Society is a membership organization of 60,000 lawyers, law students, scholars, and other individuals who believe and trust that individual citizens can make the best choices for themselves and society.

Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty
Through litigation, education, and participation in public discourse, WILL advances the public interest in the rule of law, individual liberty, constitutional government, and a robust civil society.

American Enterprise Institute
The American Enterprise Institute is a public policy think tank dedicated to defending human dignity, expanding human potential, and building a freer and safer world.

Home School Legal Defense Association
In short, our mission is to >make homeschooling possible.

National School Choice Week
National School Choice Week is a not-for-profit effort to raise awareness of effective K–12 education options for children. We focus equally on traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online schools, and homeschools.

Ballotpedia is the digital encyclopedia of American politics and elections. Our goal is to inform people about politics by providing accurate and objective information about politics at all levels of government. We are firmly committed to neutrality in our content.

Family Research Council
Founded in 1983, Family Research Council is a nonprofit research and educational organization dedicated to articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life. In addition to providing policy research and analysis for the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government, FRC seeks to inform the news media, the academic community, business leaders, and the general public about family issues that affect the nation from a biblical worldview.

American Legislative Exchange Council
The American Legislative Exchange Council is America’s largest nonpartisan, voluntary membership organization of state legislators dedicated to the principles of limited government, free markets and federalism.

Cato Institute
The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues.

Citizens Against Government Waste
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization representing more than one million members and supporters nationwide. CAGW’s mission is to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency in government.

Colorado Rising Action
Colorado Rising Action is a 501(c)(4) organization focused on holding liberal groups and their special interest networks accountable and advancing conservative principles.

Downsizing the Federal Government
The Downsizing the Federal Government website is designed to help policymakers and the public understand where federal spending goes and how to reform each government department. It describes the failings of agencies and identifies specific programs to cut. It also discusses the systematic reasons why government programs are often obsolete, mismanaged, or otherwise dysfunctional.

Frederick Douglass Foundation
The Frederick Douglass Foundation is a public policy and educational organization with local chapters across the U.S. which brings the sanctity of free market and limited government ideas to bear on the hardest problems facing our nation. We are a collection of pro-active individuals committed to developing innovative and new approaches to today’s problems.

Open The Books
At, we work hard to capture and post all disclosed spending at every level of government – federal, state, and local.

Orrin G. Hatch Foundation
The Orrin G. Hatch Foundation is an incubator for policy scholarship, a forum for political discourse, a springboard for civic engagement, and a world-class repository of modern American legislative history known as the Orrin G. Hatch Collection.

Numbers USA – For Lower Immigration Levels
Numbers USA Education and Research Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan immigration-reduction organization. We conduct research on the impacts of high numerical levels of immigration and educate the public, opinion leaders and policymakers on the results of those and other studies. Undergirding our work are beliefs in environmental sustainability, economic justice, the rule of law, and individual liberty, and opposition to federal immigration policies that threaten these values by forcing massive U.S. population growth.

Hot Take of the Day
David Ramsden-Wood is the author of the book ‘What the F@&K is wrong with Everybody Else? What they didn’t teach you in business school’, and the host of the #hottakeoftheday podcast.

Media Research Center
The Media Research Center is America’s premier media watchdog. Since 1987, the MRC has worked to expose and neutralize the propaganda arm of the Left: the national news media.

Townhall is the #1 conservative website. pulls together political commentary and analysis from over 100 leading columnists and opinion leaders, research from 100 partner organizations, conservative talk-radio and a community of millions of grassroots conservatives.

Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Prosperity engages in broad-based grassroots outreach to advocate for long-term solutions to the country’s biggest problems that prevent people from realizing their incredible potential — unsustainable government spending and debt, a broken immigration system, a rigged economy, and a host of other issues you can explore.

Citizens United
Citizens United Foundation (CUF)is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit dedicated to informing the American people about public policy issues which relate to traditional American values: strong national defense, Constitutionally limited government, free market economics, belief in God and Judeo-Christian values, and the recognition of the family as the basic social unit of our society. CUF does not involve itself in any political campaigns, lobbying, or other activities.

Freedom Watch
We are dedicated to not only preserving freedom, but redefining its meaning, from protecting our rights to privacy, free speech, civil liberties, and freedom from foreign oil and crooked business, labor and government officials, to protecting our national sovereignty against the incompetent, terrorist state-controlled United Nations, and reestablishing the rule of law in what has become a very corrupt American legal system, where justice is only as good as your lawyer and judge—most of whom are compromised ethically and otherwise.

The Conservative Caucus
Americans for Constitutional Liberty (ACL) was founded in 1974 as The Conservative Caucus (TCC) in the belief that conservatives could win in Washington only by mobilizing conservative strength at the state and Congressional district level. The name was changed to ACL in 2014.

Turning Point USA
The most organized, active, and powerful conservative grassroots activist network on college campuses across the country.

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