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The purpose of the Freedom Flag with its “swallowtail” shape serves as a guidon and a rallying point symbol for American Citizens wishing to restore and preserve their Freedoms and Rights under the Constitution. It recognizes the current challenge Americans are facing, in which we are not engaged in conflict with an external enemy but rather an internal battle for the preservation of our Constitutional Rights and future of our country. The Freedom Flag is not intended to supplant the U.S. Flag, it is meant to compliment and be subordinate to the U.S. Flag because we must and will remain the United States of America.
The Freedom Flag represents and demonstrates that we are at battle in defense of our Freedoms and Rights against an insidious tyranny that is subverting our country. Many of these Freedoms and Rights that are laid out in our Constitution are being purposely and blatantly ignored, displaced, manipulated, and corrupted. The symbolism in the Freedom Battle Flag is to clearly proclaim and reaffirm these Freedoms and Rights. The design of the Freedom Flag incorporates six stars that represent the Six Principles of Freedom and thirteen stripes to represent the inherent Thirteen Rights of Individuals and Citizens of America.

Six Principles of Freedom

Freedom can’t be granted to individuals by another person or government because Freedom is inherent upon birth. Freedom can be restored after it’s been taken away but it can never be “given.” According to Natural Law, and recognition of human nature, all people have inherent Rights, conferred not by legislation but by God through Nature. To sustain natural freedom, the Rights of individuals established under the Constitution shall always be preserved and shall not be infringed upon.

No society can be deemed to be free if it requires servitude of oneself to others, whether it be by bondage, service, or financial obligation. No government burden shall ever require a person to provide more to the government than they do for themselves. The majority of work efforts by an individual shall interest that individual and not the collective of the political class. A free people are not serfs to the kingdom of government.

Each person shall inherently retain the right to reasonable control over their life without trespass or undue obligation to meet demands of others. As such, each individual has equal ability to control their government, and therein its legislative powers, through proper elections and a requirement of division of government consisting between Local, State, and Federal governance, with the preponderance of governance always being at the closest and local level. That each person shall expect and require just governance with accountability to the people, without regard for class division, special privileges, rights or protections proclaimed by the political class. That no government agent shall ever be implied with power by any means to declare division among people or to dictate activities of personal freedom as essential or non-essential.

No society is free unless it is free from manipulation, oversight and terrorism brought forth by its political class. No government office, official, appointee, or agent thereof, without due cause and without proper court order, shall have the ability to monitor or view, record and/or archive, whether in person or by electronic or photographic means, the private and personal communications and property of individuals within our society.  

Government shall not and is strictly prohibited from establishing, funding, participating in and/or encouraging programs of manipulation, coercion, intimidation, or psychological operation on the American people by any means whether direct or indirect. Requirements for identification of individuals of society will be duly separated by function and shall not be shared by non-obligatory agencies of government. Separation of identification will be at a minimum established into four distinct databases of financial, security, health, and education. Said databases shall be preserved without consolidation.
Fear of loss of property through confiscation, taxation, eminent domain or hyperinflation through government.
Fear of invasion, overcrowding and crime by unrestricted immigration.
Fear of reprisal, cancellation, loss of job, loss of economic opportunity, or loss of educational opportunity for expression of political views.
Fear of loss of ability to purchase from destruction of currency.
Fear of economic damage from inappropriate spending and corruption.
Fear of corruption.
Fear of loss of life by those of opposing political views.

An essential requirement of Due Process is freedom from false arrest and/or false witness that leads to political punishment and/or imprisonment. This principle shall be expanded to include regulatory or legislative authority that has not been explicitly granted by the people nor open to debate by the people.

A free society cannot exist without the right to property by the people. The opposite of freedom is imprisonment or enslavement in which property rights are denied. Any government that denies and takes away property from its citizens is unjust and only serves the purpose of a tyrannical kingdom that enslaves and controls it citizens. Property rights of all individuals shall be preserved and these rights shall be free from invasion, eminent domain, confiscation through taxation, or through acts of law enforcement or regulatory bodies that is not awarded as damages by court.

Thirteen Fundamental Rights of Individuals

Thankfully and with great gratitude to our Founders, our Constitution with its Amendments bestows upon the American people many rights and liberties that protect them from power and corruption by the government and its political class. Throughout the Amendments, there are numerous implied rights and privileges. However, there are Amendments that need to be expanded to encompass the current times and circumstances in which we live, including medical freedom, freedom from electronic surveillance, and freedom from manipulation and coercion by the government.  

The following are deemed the Thirteen Fundamental Rights that encompass the essence of the phrase “that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” written in the Declaration of Independence. Please note the following rights as written below are not necessarily the legal rights as written in the Constitution but are an illustration of Rights that are implied or should be included by amendment. Please refer to the U.S. Constitution for actual wording of the Amendments.

  1. The right to freedom of speech and freedom of the press, whether in person, by written form, or by electronic means.
  2. The right to freedom of religion and to be free from a government sanctioned religion.
  3. The right to travel, whether interstate or intrastate, without restriction and to peaceably assemble without restriction.
  4. The right to petition the government and elected representative for redress of their governance or questionable acts; the right to accountability and disclosure of information from elected representatives on matters of legal and financial implication and the right to reasonable public knowledge in advance of pending legislation. 
  5. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 
  6. The right to property and the right of people to be secure in their person, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
  7. The right to due process of law and legal protection from agents of the government, including the right to a public and speedy trial and to face their accusers, the right to counsel, and the right to undue bail, fines, or cruel or unusual punishment.
  8. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to it’s jurisdiction; involuntary servitude shall be defined as being required of giving greater than 50% on one’s effort or income, whether it be financial or physical, to others and/or government.
  9. The right to limited federal government powers and authority and to have local control within one’s state and local jurisdictions.
  10. The right to quiet enjoyment of life without undue identification and without harassment, doxing, coercion, or invasion; this shall include undue monitoring or surveillance on private property by others without consent of the owners, whether it be residence or commercial; identification of personal attributes shall be purposeful and directly related to the purpose for which it serves; there shall be separate identification and corresponding data related to financial, medical, security and voting, and education.
  11. The right to family; the right to care and choose what is best for one’s own family without government interference or reprisal; the right to choose medical care and make decisions for family minors, and other than in the instance of physical abuse, the government shall not interfere; the right to school choice and accountability of education shall be maintained.
  12. The right to free exchange; the right and ability to own, trade, and possess commodities, including gold and silver, whether it be physical or electronic, without restrictions if these items in and of themselves are not inherently dangerous; the ability to exchange, freely without monitoring or surveillance by government without consent of the parties involved or by individual legal need as duly established and by the order of the court.
  13. The right to life, medical choice, and health privacy; the right of medical treatment and the knowledge thereof shall not be interfered or required by others related to commerce, employer, or institution.

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